Dopamine-less fiend's many PROJECTS
For whatever reason, I keep starting projects and never finishing them. So I guess I'll track them here. Some of them will have no link, as they will be things I don't want to share online. I just want to put them here to show that I do in fact do things, even if they are just for myself. If I finished anything I will link here to anything I want to share!
- Concept Album
- Idea for 3 panel comic
- Sketchbook
- Continuing my Python education (haven't touched the language since school like. 10 years ago and I've forgotten everything :'/)
- Learning 68K ASM
- Converting my Bass guitar into a Fretless Bass
- Fixing up my Ukrainian Урал guitar
- This damn website!
- Magazine/Old Computer material Scans
- Walkman Maintenance / Cassette Collecting
- Retro Console Maintenance
- First Generation Pokemon Games Glitch Bible (that i've worked on ever since I was 12)
- Mixtapes (CD/Cassette)
- Film Photography
- Synths